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Join date: Aug 9, 2021


Jack began working with the Foundation while an employee with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality in June 2015. A year later, he formally joined the Foundation’s team as a graduate student intern while a Master’s student at Indiana University, and has since ‘graduated’ to a full staff position as a doctoral researcher at Utah State University. Jack grew up in Denver, Colorado, and there developed his love of trout and fly-fishing. Jack received his B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Notre Dame, then received a Masters in Environmental Science and a Masters in Public Affairs from the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Now a doctoral student at Utah State, Jack’s work with the Foundation seeks to understand what restricts fisheries production and ecosystem health in the Upper Henry's Fork River from Big Springs to Island Park Dam. Results from this project will support our efforts to conserve, protect, and restore trout and salmon habitat in the Henry's Fork River. ​ "What I enjoy most about working at HFF is how driven my coworkers and our members are for not just conserving or preserving the resource, but improving it. It is so rewarding to be a part of something that is making a positive mark on a resource that so many people value."

Jack McLaren

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